New Year’s at Nishinomiya Shrine: Photo Gallery
Mark your calendar and fill it up with these incredible opportunities to travel Hyogo and its neighboring prefectures. July 14, Nachi-no-Hi Matsuri in Wakayama A festival where 12 enormous fire torches are lit at the base of Nachi Waterfall. The torches welcome the god Kumano back to the Grand Shrine located there. Held…
As I was lazily flipping through my Facebook photos, I came upon some shots that I couldn’t recognize. The guy in the shot was absolutely fabulous, corky, was wearing a chic pink-checkered-printed shirt with a denim pant and recently faded out Mohawk haircut. He was bright-eyed and bushy tailed, some would say. He had a…
In 1994 Osaka, despite being a cosmopolitan hub of international business, offered no opportunity to celebrate European film culture. Fortunately, all that has changed thanks to the ongoing hard work of film aficionado Patrice Boiteau, chairman and founder of the Osaka European Film Festival. This November the Osaka European Film Festival celebrates its 20th year….
This is a simple but delicious Japanese favourite.
It’s April and that means the brief, but beautiful cherry blossom season. The sales of blue tarpaulins are set to sky rocket and public intoxication in the middle of the day will reach giddy new heights. Whether it’s your first, final or other, 花見 season in Japan, Hyogo has a positive cornucopia of great spots…