
News from your National AJET Rep: May ’12

Greetings Block 6!

Just a few things this month in the realm of AJET.

Late last month, we released the AJET app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch! This app is full of useful things including links to emergency numbers and the AJET support line, useful words and phrases for medical visits, food shopping, and the latest feeds and information from AJET. The app will continued to be updated to bring you the very best services from AJET!  Go to ajet.net to download it!

We will also be meeting with CLAIR and the three ministries of government later this month to present the findings of two surveys that you chimed in on! We will be providing an overview of what you said about Language and Cultural learning through your time on JET, followed by a presentation about support systems that are provided. We will putting the feedback and results on the website soon after! Keep an eye out for it!

Lastly, AJET worked with the American Consulate in Osaka to set up a networking event on April 20th.  Many JETs came from the Hyogo and Osaka area to meet with Foreign Service workers who are also former JETs. Members from the consulate talked about how their experience on JET prepared them for where they are now, and JETs had a chance to share their experiences of grassroots internationalization as it is today.

What a great event! Keep your eyes for more events like this in the future!

That’s all I have for the moment for you. Enjoy Golden Week and the warm weather as we head into May!



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