
July 2015


Sayonara fellow JETs, this is my final message as editor for the Hyogo Times. I’m leaving on that “JET” plane (that’s just punny) and know exactly when I’ll be home again. After a two year absence from the States, it’s hard to hide my excitement, but obviously there is an underlining sadness to leaving Japan as well. It’s been an incredible two years to say the least and I’ve had a great time as contributor then editor for this publication. I’ll try to limit the preachy and sappy stuff this month, and stick with straightforward goodbyes and thank yous.

Thank you to the two other editors Dana and Erika, who both did tremendous work behind the scenes and are the main reasons why Hyogo Times passes as a publication in any meaningful sense of the word. Thank you to all those people who have contributed their time in submitting articles, whether you were consistent throughout the year or just a one-timer, I appreciate all the help that’s been given. Scott and Louie, a big arigatou for all the beers we’ve consumed over the past two years. Not sure if I have more memories from Japan or beers consumed while in Japan, especially given the fact that more of one ultimately leads to less of the other. Gracias to anyone else whose ever made my stay here the positive experience that it has been, though if you’re not a JET I guess you really wouldn’t have a reason to be reading this, but thank you anyway.

I want to wish the best of luck to all those who are staying in Japan and those who are continuing the work with JET, especially to Brittany Teodorski who will be taking over as captain of this ship we call Hyogo Times. I know she’ll do a fantastic job keeping this publication going. I feel like I’ve clearly gone over my time limit and the music is blasting to get me off the stage. Although I walk away without a little golden man named Oscar, I have much more to take home with me.

As for this issue, it’s largely dedicated to what I’ve been doing for the past two paragraphs. Louie explains why going home may not be what we want, but for different reasons then we might imagine. Find out where ten of your fellow JETs are off to. Read two travel reviews from Erika and Brittany, and enjoy the latter bring her series “The Durants” to an exciting conclusion. You’ll also find the usual sections (including my last album recommendations!) and a glimpse of Saga Prefecture by JET alum Penny Fox. Moving on is never easy, but the unknown should always be taken head-on. As a friend once said, “The hardest part of moving out, is I remember moving in.”


Sean Mulvihill

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