
News From AJET: October 2015


Dear ghosts, skeletons, youkai, zombies, and Hyogo-dwelling JETs,


I am Jillian, a Hyogo AJET member and the book club supreme leader. I love books, cats, and tea, so basically I was born for book clubs. I work at a part-time high school in Nishinomiya (my students are mostly adorable punks), and though we will prepare for our culture festival at the end of October, I really don’t think that’s the case for most of you…but I think you will have sports day? Well, whatever is going on at your respective schools, I hope it’s fun!


October has always been one of my favorite months. Everything is coming out in pumpkin, but not in pumpkin spice! WTF Japan. Self introductions are pretty much over (even though you can’t remember anyone’s name). You’re starting to get into the swing of things at school (even though it feels like you’re still figuring stuff out). The weather is finally cooling off (even though some hot days will still sneak in). And best of all you have an awesome sugar high to look forward to at the end of the month. Block 6 is hosting a Halloween party in Osaka (on the 31st), so you should come! On Halloween night in Osaka, you will find that although neighborhood trick-or-treating has not caught on, the tradition of bizarrely inappropriately sexy costumes sure has. The Halloween party my first year is the first and only time I ever stayed out in Osaka all night. The city sure looks different at 4 in the morning and you want to kill anyone who talks to you or who gets in the way of your first train. This year I’ve done a little planning ahead and booked a capsule hotel. Hopefully this prevents me from committing any crimes! You also have a three day weekend (10th-12th), so get out and do some exploring. I know that the Shikoku rafting trip booked out fast, but there are still many things that you can do! Like read the book for the next book club (October 25th).


Most importantly, do you have a fantastical costume all ready? No? Well no worries, because you can throw together something whippity-quick from your local 100 Yen shop. Just get a goofy hat and you are good to go!


Happy Haunting,

Jillian MacKenzie

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