Special Feature: In honour of the Year of the Snake

Special Feature: In honour of the Year of the Snake

I was going to write a nice entry about the snakes found in and around Japan given we’ve just entered 巳年(みどし; midoshi), okay, not if you’re on the Chinese calendar proper, but we’re not in China, so meh. Then I remembered that snakes freak me out a bit. I started looking at pictures and information,…

Travel Japan: Ogasawara – Out of the Ordinary
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Travel Japan: Ogasawara – Out of the Ordinary

I like my travelling. I like it when it’s cheap even more, and there’s something in my brain that tells me I should only use nenkyuu if I’m leaving the country. On top of that, I don’t like going away if there isn’t already a national holiday involved in some way, just for that extra…

The Kitkat Factor

The Kitkat Factor

How many of you tried the European cheese flavoured kitkat? How many saw it and thought someone had put something in the development team’s coffee that day? How many of you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about? Oh the kitkat flavours of Japan. What a chase you have led me on. The thrill…