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  Recently, when I was visiting my godson, he was amazed by my daring, revolutionary and transgressive method of writing in block capitals. He was agog, he was aghast– a saving light had come at last! See, he explained to me that “capitals are much easier to do” and so, much like Uncle Rory, he…



  Lynn lived alone. This had several advantages: she could smoke wherever she wanted, she could stretch out in the bed and have the blankets all to herself, she could eat, bathe and listen to music according to her fancies alone and she could practice the black arts without anyone interfering, trying to save her…


The Unbearable Fairness of Being (in Japan)

      “Life’s not fair” is in the running for my least favourite phrase in the English language, along with “Don’t forget to subscribe” and “Sir, that’s not the umbrella you came in with.” Obviously, I hate that life demonstrably isn’t fair– and I know that life is much more fair on me than…


Why Japan?

Why I Chose Japan I honestly, genuinely didn’t expect to be accepted onto this programme: I applied mainly because my mum was pressuring me, and she was mainly pressuring me because her friend’s daughter was applying, and her friend’s daughter was mainly applying because…well, that’s her business. Maybe she’ll write one of these herself. Obviously,…