Special Feature: Once You’re a JET, You’re a JET All the Way
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Special Feature: Once You’re a JET, You’re a JET All the Way

Hello Hyogo-ites! By the time you read this, you will have uttered, “atsui ne” or “mushi atsui ne” at least once to anyone who will hear it. Well, ganbare – summer has only just started! For those of you who are returning home this summer though, you will get to leave the oppressive heat and…

The Kitkat Factor

The Kitkat Factor

How many of you tried the European cheese flavoured kitkat? How many saw it and thought someone had put something in the development team’s coffee that day? How many of you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about? Oh the kitkat flavours of Japan. What a chase you have led me on. The thrill…

PEPY Tours
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PEPY Tours

Cambodia: famous for its natural beauty and cuisine, but infamous for the atrocities of its past and the current levels of aid required to help in recovery. Landmines, and other unexploded ordinances are littered throughout the country; the shadow of the Khmer Rouge rule during the late 1970s still lingers in the background. Now, Cambodia…