Book Discoveries: Little, Big
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Book Discoveries: Little, Big

It was not so much a book as an atmosphere. I was completely enveloped in the world of this novel; sometimes I couldn’t tell what was ‘real’ and what was ‘imaginary’. This was until I stopped trying to find a separation and just marinated in the book. It became, in this way, quite an existential read. Surrendering the urge to define what’s “really happening” and what’s going on in the “dream world” was quite provocative and ultimately rewarding as a reader, you begin to discover that there may not be that large of a separation at all.

Book Discoveries: The Help
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Book Discoveries: The Help

Hello. My name is Caitlin Orr and I’ll be your new reviewer of books from now on. It sounds so official to “review” books: I’d prefer to think of it as “playing” with books or “discovering” stories. So, yes, I can be your explorer. I have roughly 3 ‘rules’ governing how I read…