Yearning While Maturing: the band New Breed
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Yearning While Maturing: the band New Breed

                There seems to be a general consensus in the music review world that good music isn’t defined by one sound or genre, but what certain bands or musicians are doing within their specific genre. Most creative praise is given to those who find new methods, either instrumentally or vocally, to introduce the familiar…

Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro – The New Face of an Old Sound.
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Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro – The New Face of an Old Sound.

    Some say funk is dead, but honey, I beg to differ. Starting back in 2003 Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro, a six man Japanese whirlwind of classic funk and ska, has been taking the world by storm. To give you the gist of their sound, you’ve got Naohito “Temjin” Yomoda on trumpet, Takeshi Kurihara with…

Clap and Scream: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and Her Name in Blood
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Clap and Scream: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and Her Name in Blood

  If you live in Kobe you recognize that there are many amenities the city provides that are harder to find in other parts of Hyogo. Simply put, we have a Costco! ALTs know just how lucky they are to be in such a great location, this is especially true for those who are avid…

This is Your Brain on Summer Sonic
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This is Your Brain on Summer Sonic

    Glastonbury, The U.K.’s biggest music festival, held in the Vale of Avalon since 1970 will this year attract 175,000 visitors to over 100 stages on 1,200 acres of land. It is, however, bracing itself for the arrival of so called ‘super rats’ – rats immune to conventional poisons such as diphacinone and chlorophacinone…

The Writing is on the Wall: Her Name In Blood
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The Writing is on the Wall: Her Name In Blood

  Quiet, reserved, shy, these are words foreigners often use to describe the typical Japanese person. Anyone who has tried to coax a group of students into volunteering for a question or has been the target of disapproved glances for speaking too loudly on the train knows this. However, music has and always will be…

For Those of You About to Rock, Summer Sonic Salutes You
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For Those of You About to Rock, Summer Sonic Salutes You

  Thinking back to the summers when I was an angst-filled teenager, I remember always looking forward to the Vans Warped Tour. My friends and I would lather ourselves with sunscreen, wear our coolest band clothing (mine was a Thrice t-shirt), then pile into a parent’s van to be dropped off and picked up later…

Beat the Heat: Fuji Rock Festival Preview
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Beat the Heat: Fuji Rock Festival Preview

With rainy season all but over, it is now time to enjoy summer’s sunshine whether that is by heading to the beach or having a barbecue with friends. Of course, nothing quite says summer like an outdoor musical festival in the foothills of Mount Naeba in Niigata, Japan. Fuji Rock Festival, presented by Smash Corporation,…