Dramatic Byrony: On Being Asked My Reasons for Quitting England in the Summer
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Dramatic Byrony: On Being Asked My Reasons for Quitting England in the Summer

  A friend recently told me that I was “so like Byron.” I tried to puzzle out what she meant: A prolific poet? A notorious bisexual? A major theme in a work by Tom Stoppard? All are applicable to me, but I imagine, given the context of the conversation in which we were engaged, she…

A Canuck’s Guide to Staying Warm
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A Canuck’s Guide to Staying Warm

    Fall is in full swing in Japan. Finally we have been released from the insufferable temperatures and now can enjoy the beautiful colours of the changing leaves and innumerable varieties of sweet potato and pumpkin flavored foods. However, as October turns to November, and November to December, we are faced with another climate…

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  Recently, when I was visiting my godson, he was amazed by my daring, revolutionary and transgressive method of writing in block capitals. He was agog, he was aghast– a saving light had come at last! See, he explained to me that “capitals are much easier to do” and so, much like Uncle Rory, he…

Just Another List: Autumn Foliage Viewing Spots, Hyogo
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Just Another List: Autumn Foliage Viewing Spots, Hyogo

Every year, Japan’s abundant Momiji trees change from green to a glorious shade of red. This beautiful sight, naturally, demands admiration. So, here’s a list of some great spots in Hyogo for all your viewing needs. And it’s even in a convenient map format! Note: Leaf viewing in Hyogo usually starts in mid October at…

D-Prep: Disaster Awareness and Preparedness Event
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D-Prep: Disaster Awareness and Preparedness Event

  Japan is a country of many wonders, delights, sights and experiences. Unfortunately, those experiences are occasionally negative, even terrifying. We are talking about natural disasters. Few other countries in the world experience the sheer number and variety of natural disasters that Japan does, from floods and typhoons to earthquakes and volcanoes: they have it…

Get Involved! JET Special Interest Groups
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Get Involved! JET Special Interest Groups

    As children, the excitement of no school during summer quickly devolves into crippling boredom. To pass the time, siblings may wage war, disasters are delivered unto kitchens, and the backyards have never before seen such ruin. As ALTs, our outlets may change, but ennui is just as likely to set in. For activities…

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Why Did They Stay? A Survey of JETs Across Hyogo

    Below you will find the answers to such pressing questions as “What is your favorite Japanese food?” and “What advice do you have for me, sempai?” These nine JETs have courageously risen to the challenge of satisfying our curiosity. Caution: Some reading between the lines is necessary. New JETs, we’d love to have…