Love and Relationships: Lonely Planet

Love and Relationships: Lonely Planet

Dating is an experience like no other. Everyone likes how they feel whenever they are dating. The anticipation, the first kiss, shopping for the perfect outfit, the restaurant choice, the first ‘’first’’, talking about the dates with your friends, evaluating your date with your friends, and the weeks of butterflies that fill your stomach every…

Love and Relationships: We Are Single

Love and Relationships: We Are Single

All the single ladies, put your cocktails down and listen…Recently, in addition to being bombarded by Japanese Jehovah’s witnesses, huge insects, emails from, an enormous tax bill, and lots of hot sexy Middle Eastern guys, I have been also swamped by co-workers and associates politely informing me of their recent nuptials and their change of addresses from Unhappy Avenue to Blissful Ever-After Boulevard…

Love and Relationships: It’s not an easy road…

Love and Relationships: It’s not an easy road…

Look at us now! A decade or two later and you can vaguely see the scars (and I’m not talking about Mac make-up working its magic here); we don’t cry anymore (or at least not for the same reasons); we are bandaged up, and all our bones have finally been reformed; we emit love instead…