The Cheapskate’s Guide to Japanese Travel
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The Cheapskate’s Guide to Japanese Travel

  When travelling in Japan as a tourist, getting around is easy. The rail pass makes travel a breeze and the tourist tracks are clear and well-travelled. However, it is once you become a resident that you realize that travelling within Japan is a lot more convoluted and expensive that it originally seemed, especially if…

WATN: Louie Bertenshaw
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WATN: Louie Bertenshaw

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch aus Österreich (or Austria)! I am writing you from what I’ve dubbed the Beverly Hills of Austria– a community far too wealthy for me to be living in, as evidenced by students riding to school in BMWs and Hummers. I am still effectively an ALT, just entirely self-sufficient this time as…

Plight of the Penguins: Should I Stay or Should I Go
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Plight of the Penguins: Should I Stay or Should I Go

  I’ve just signed my reappointment papers. Well, by the time this is published, it won’t be “just,” but you get the idea: I’ve made my mind up: I’m staying for another year. If a woman were to get knocked up right now, she could carry the baby to full term, birth it, realistically travel…

善哉 Zenzai: Japanese Red Bean Soup
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善哉 Zenzai: Japanese Red Bean Soup

    It’s the year of the Monkey and in celebration here is something sweet to eat!   Zenzai is a dessert that can be enjoyed year round and, of course, in winter it is served hot. In some parts of Japan, zenzai or oshiruko お汁粉 (the more watery version of zenzai) is served as…

Nagasaki: A Port for Peace
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Nagasaki: A Port for Peace

    Nagasaki served as one of Japan’s primary ports for many years, with the result that the city now has a very distinct atmosphere compared to other mainland Japanese cities. Chinese and European influences are easy to observe, largely through cuisine and religion respectively. The Chinatown is one of three in the nation, and…

News From AJET: January 2016
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News From AJET: January 2016

Happy New Year, everyone.   This is Sadie, the Tajima (read: boonies) Representative.   If you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance you’re back from holidays and getting settled into your kotatsu to wait out the remaining months of winter. Good, good, as you should be.   I’ve lived my entire life in a…

鍋物 3 Ways with Nabe Stock
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鍋物 3 Ways with Nabe Stock

    Winter is near/here and you’re already running behind if you haven’t pulled out your nabe pot. A favorite winter food to cook up at the kotatsu and keep you warm, nabe is both simple and versatile. Simply stock up on your favorite meat and vegetables, stir together some yummy stock, and you’re all…