Just Another List: Festivals in Hyogo, August 2015
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Just Another List: Festivals in Hyogo, August 2015

    So you want to see a summer festival this year? Chances are that whatever town you find yourself living in will have a perfectly lovely matsuri or three all prepared. However, if you want to venture elsewhere in our fine prefecture here’s a few you may have heard of.     Dekansho Matsuri…

Far From the Same: Saga Prefecture
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Far From the Same: Saga Prefecture

My name is Penny Fox and I’m originally from Sydney, Australia, although I’m not sure now which to call my ‘hometown,’ since I spent the full 5 years on JET (2009 – 2014). I actually had 2 placements – one for the first 3 years, where I taught at a total of 10 schools (3…

Travel: Taiwan
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Travel: Taiwan

    Whether for a last minute summer getaway or the upcoming “Silver Week” in September, Taiwan’s capital city, Taipei, is a spectacular destination for those looking to travel outside of Japan. With a rich history including European, Chinese, and Japanese settlement, visitors can experience a unique blend of culture and some fantastic cultural sites….

Homeward Bound: When Being Home Isn’t Where You Want To Be.
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Homeward Bound: When Being Home Isn’t Where You Want To Be.

  In German, it’s called “Fernweh” (lit: far away pain). It’s the sense of wanting to be anywhere but where you actually are. Think of it as inverted homesickness. Though the ragged poverty of the English language prevents us from expressing this emotion, we have all certainly experienced it. That slight sinking feeling; knots in the stomach…