Ume Juice
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Ume Juice

You’re probably familiar with the wonderful beverage that is umeshu, but have you heard of ume juice before? It’s basically a less sweet, non-alcoholic version of umeshu and makes for a super refreshing drink, especially in the sweltering summer heat. Like umeshu, it is very simple to make and the homemade version is a lot…

Everything I’ve Learned: 5 things to watch this month
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Everything I’ve Learned: 5 things to watch this month

    Get lost this month in a number of imaginary worlds. Whether it’s the Marvel or Disney Universe, a post-apocalyptic Australia, a fantastical Shibuya or the hilarious town of Pawnee you’ll find something to enjoy.   Avengers: Age of Ultron directed by Joss Whedon, release: 4 July 2015 In a world where our lives…

JET Life: Until It’s Experienced…
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JET Life: Until It’s Experienced…

    “Oh I almost forgot to tell you, today…” Who hasn’t started a sentence using these exact words during their time on the JET program? Facing situations that most of our friends and family back home would simply find odd or unbelievable has in many ways become routine for us here in Japan. However,…