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The Disappointments and Pleasures of a New JET Arrival

      Day 1 – 14:00   I was expecting a beautiful young woman in a maid costume. But my supervisor turned out to be a middle aged man with furry eyebrows. Major bummer! He didn’t drive a suped-up Civic with pounding bass either. But the passenger door opened at the push of a…

The “Japanese Literary Nerd” Starter Pack
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The “Japanese Literary Nerd” Starter Pack

    Reading Japanese literature in Japan is a wonderful experience. If you’re a massive nerd like me, you can take literary pilgrimages to the places you visit in the novels.  I have traveled to some incredibly beautiful places because Mishima sent his melancoly protagonist there to describe the beauty of the landscape while pondering…

Hiking in Hyogo

Hiking in Hyogo

  Moving to Japan, a land of practically nothing but mountains, has been a dream for me. I come from Western Australia; probably the flattest state in the very flat country that is Australia. However, for as long as I can remember I have dreamt of huge, rocky, snow-capped, mountains. While Hyogo’s mountains are a…