Special Feature: Biking Biwa

Special Feature: Biking Biwa

琵琶湖 (びわこ; Lake Biwa) is Japan’s largest freshwater lake and covers a large part of Shiga Prefecture. It’s a haven for birdwatchers, watersports, camping, and generally having a good time outdoors. It’s also a very popular destination for cyclists with a well-kept cycle path pretty much all the way around. At around 220km in circumference,…

Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage: Fujii-dera

Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage: Fujii-dera

葛井寺 Fujii-dera is temple number 5 of 33 on the pilgrim circuit, and as its name “Wisteria Well Temple” would suggest, it is a wonderful place to visit when the fuji are in bloom. These fragrant purple flowers typically bloom in very late April or in early May, around Golden Week. Other than the gorgeous…

Kicchiri Kitchen: Kansai Style Okonomiyaki

Kicchiri Kitchen: Kansai Style Okonomiyaki

関西封お好み焼き Delicious, winter comfort food which is so easy to make! Ingredients – 1 small cabbage 200 – 300g thin sliced pork (butabaraniku) and/or seafood 1 cup flour 3/4 cup water 2 eggs 1 teaspoon instant dashi (fish stock) oil okonomiyaki sauce dried bonito (katsuobushi) dried seaweed (aonori) mayonnaise Slice cabbage finely Cut pork into…

Miso Green: Planning an Indoor Spring Garden

Miso Green: Planning an Indoor Spring Garden

Outside of my apartment building sits our soil factory box. It’s half-filled with incredible planting soil—the result of a year and a half of bokashi composting by the two of us. It’s actually quite astonishing to see over a year’s food scraps broken down to such a minimal volume! But the reason that I know…