Love and Relationships: Dress Rehearsals

Love and Relationships: Dress Rehearsals

OK! Hands down, Grey’s Anatomy rocks! I have never missed an episode and have no intention of doing so! In a recent episode, the doctors were separating a pair of Siamese twins and had to rehearse the surgery numerous times until they were satisfied that they were perfect. After watching this and bawling my eyes…

Why White Day?

Why White Day?

As winter slowly passes and spring edges closer to the hills and valleys of Japan, Valentine’s Day has already come and gone. Perhaps some of us had cause to notice, perhaps some of us didn’t. While Valentine’s Day has never been a holiday of much consequence to me personally, I did find myself very curious…

Not-Your-Average Valentine’s Day Movies
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Not-Your-Average Valentine’s Day Movies

I’m not big on Valentine’s Day. Even if I’m in a relationship, it’s not my thing. I’m not big on people walking really slow while holding hands and not letting anyone pass on the sidewalk, and I’m not big on people complaining to everyone and their mother about a) their significant others not getting them…

Love and Relationships: Die Alone

Love and Relationships: Die Alone

As I was lazily flipping through my Facebook photos, I came upon some shots that I couldn’t recognize. The guy in the shot was absolutely fabulous, corky, was wearing a chic pink-checkered-printed shirt with a denim pant and recently faded out Mohawk haircut. He was bright-eyed and bushy tailed, some would say. He had a…