Super Show

Super Show

Imagine yourself in one of Japan’s great baseball domes, but you’re not here for a game.  There are no bases, no diamond – instead the house lights are off and you’re surrounded by 30,000 twinkling blue lights.  Shrieks and yells of excitement fill the air, anticipation rising by the second.  Then, the stage turns red…

How the Japanese Welcome the New Year
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How the Japanese Welcome the New Year

2012. A new year begins, and for me, an American in Japan, it looks like it’s going to be quite a ride. The yen is up, the dollar down. The Tohoku region is still picking up what the earthquake/tsunami left behind. The world scrambles against global warming and an uncertain economy. The ancient Mayans predicted…

PEPY Tours
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PEPY Tours

Cambodia: famous for its natural beauty and cuisine, but infamous for the atrocities of its past and the current levels of aid required to help in recovery. Landmines, and other unexploded ordinances are littered throughout the country; the shadow of the Khmer Rouge rule during the late 1970s still lingers in the background. Now, Cambodia…