English Sensei Spirit: How my 6th Graders Learned to Spell
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English Sensei Spirit: How my 6th Graders Learned to Spell

No, seriously, we do spelling activities, and the kids get way more into it than I ever would have predicted. Here is how it happened. I’ll warn you now that this isn’t a tips-and-tricks kind of ESS for this month; this is a whole system that will take several weeks to get implemented, but will…

On Finding a Japanese Boyfriend…

On Finding a Japanese Boyfriend…

Two issues back, a comic in this publication compared the chance of a foreign female getting a Japanese boyfriend to one’s chance of winning the lottery.  Winning the lottery’s definitely more difficult!  Whatever you’ve heard, there’s a shot for those of us raised in the West too. I don’t have any fancy percentages for you,…

Love and Relationships: We Are Single

Love and Relationships: We Are Single

All the single ladies, put your cocktails down and listen…Recently, in addition to being bombarded by Japanese Jehovah’s witnesses, huge insects, emails from www.viagra.com, an enormous tax bill, and lots of hot sexy Middle Eastern guys, I have been also swamped by co-workers and associates politely informing me of their recent nuptials and their change of addresses from Unhappy Avenue to Blissful Ever-After Boulevard…