What a License Is
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What a License Is

A car isn’t just an engine, some doors, and a windshield; that’s what a car needs. Not what a car is. What a car really is, is freedom, as a wise pirate once pointed out. In our lives and time, it’s the freedom to calculate the cost of gas and tolls against the fares levied by public transportation, the freedom to get lost in the winding nonsensical backroads; it’s the freedom to go where and when we choose, not bound by the bus route or train schedule. Such freedom is important to many a member of the JET community.

Not-Your-Average Valentine’s Day Movies
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Not-Your-Average Valentine’s Day Movies

I’m not big on Valentine’s Day. Even if I’m in a relationship, it’s not my thing. I’m not big on people walking really slow while holding hands and not letting anyone pass on the sidewalk, and I’m not big on people complaining to everyone and their mother about a) their significant others not getting them…

Super Show

Super Show

Imagine yourself in one of Japan’s great baseball domes, but you’re not here for a game.  There are no bases, no diamond – instead the house lights are off and you’re surrounded by 30,000 twinkling blue lights.  Shrieks and yells of excitement fill the air, anticipation rising by the second.  Then, the stage turns red…

How the Japanese Welcome the New Year
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How the Japanese Welcome the New Year

2012. A new year begins, and for me, an American in Japan, it looks like it’s going to be quite a ride. The yen is up, the dollar down. The Tohoku region is still picking up what the earthquake/tsunami left behind. The world scrambles against global warming and an uncertain economy. The ancient Mayans predicted…