What to Do When There’s Nothing to Do
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What to Do When There’s Nothing to Do

  Working as an ALT, especially during the summer holidays, can wage war on your senses. Often, we have nothing, or less, to do. It can be so easy to slip into the abyss that is the internet, wasting countless hours checking Facebook, reddit, tumblr, imgur, and many more. For those who want to feel…

Travel: Taiwan
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Travel: Taiwan

    Whether for a last minute summer getaway or the upcoming “Silver Week” in September, Taiwan’s capital city, Taipei, is a spectacular destination for those looking to travel outside of Japan. With a rich history including European, Chinese, and Japanese settlement, visitors can experience a unique blend of culture and some fantastic cultural sites….

Homeward Bound: When Being Home Isn’t Where You Want To Be.
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Homeward Bound: When Being Home Isn’t Where You Want To Be.

  In German, it’s called “Fernweh” (lit: far away pain). It’s the sense of wanting to be anywhere but where you actually are. Think of it as inverted homesickness. Though the ragged poverty of the English language prevents us from expressing this emotion, we have all certainly experienced it. That slight sinking feeling; knots in the stomach…

Ume Juice
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Ume Juice

You’re probably familiar with the wonderful beverage that is umeshu, but have you heard of ume juice before? It’s basically a less sweet, non-alcoholic version of umeshu and makes for a super refreshing drink, especially in the sweltering summer heat. Like umeshu, it is very simple to make and the homemade version is a lot…

JET Life: Until It’s Experienced…
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JET Life: Until It’s Experienced…

    “Oh I almost forgot to tell you, today…” Who hasn’t started a sentence using these exact words during their time on the JET program? Facing situations that most of our friends and family back home would simply find odd or unbelievable has in many ways become routine for us here in Japan. However,…