Osaka Prefecture All the Shades of Urban Japan
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Osaka Prefecture All the Shades of Urban Japan

  My name’s Joseph Baietto. I’m originally from New York City. I’m currently on my second year of JET, eagerly heading into my third. I teach at a junior high school in Shijonawate-shi, on the western edge of Osaka Prefecture, and once a week I teach at one of two elementary schools.   Why did…

 3 Easy Ways With Shio-Koji
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3 Easy Ways With Shio-Koji

When you think of Japanese food, you’d be forgiven if “fermented foods” is not what comes to mind. However, staples in the Japanese kitchen such as soy sauce, miso, sake, mirin (sweet cooking wine) and rice vinegar are all fermented foods. This month I want to introduce you to a lesser known, traditional Japanese ingredient called shio-koji (塩麹). Shio-koji is a…

Go away you TukTuk drivers, I hate you all!
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Go away you TukTuk drivers, I hate you all!

  Oygevalt! Feckless TukTuk drivers, much like people who invite you to play Candy Crush, are out of control and must be stopped. Oh, if only these ancient cultures and civilizations could just crumble already and adopt the metered taxi. I mean, 200 baht to take three people across town? Dream on, my dude! Unless…

Kagawa Prefecture: A New and Very Different Land of Enchantment
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Kagawa Prefecture: A New and Very Different Land of Enchantment

  Hey there!I’m Julia Mace from the Land of Enchantment (that’s New Mexico in the United States). I was a JET for five years in Mitoyo, Kagawa and now I’m independently contracted with my BOE as a full-on instructor. I teach at one Junior High School, two Elementary Schools, several Kindergartens, and one intermediate level…

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  I am behind the times, my friends! When it comes to entertainment, I haven’t the foggiest notion what the young h!psters are into these days. Just look at my Netflix queue; It’s a miscellany of partially watched sitcoms and documentaries about North Korea. You’d think I’d have gotten onboard with the latest “hip” shows,…

HAJET Book Club 7: A Shining Day for The Shining Girls
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HAJET Book Club 7: A Shining Day for The Shining Girls

Starting their day by wrapping themselves in scarves and wearing Uniqlo Heat Tech for what they believed would be a typical Japanese winter afternoon, HAJET Book Club members soon found themselves removing articles of clothing (some might think inappropriately) while expressing their surprise at the unexpected heat with comments like, “It’s so hot” and “This…