November 2013

November 2013

Ahoy there! Forgive the nautical greeting; I’ve spent a lot of time on boats recently, and may have caught cabin fever whilst navigating the high seas between Honshu and Shikoku on a voyage around the participating islands of the Setouchi Triennale. If you miss out on the art festival itself (finishing on November 4th), I still…

Goodbye… Hello: Letters from the Outgoing and Incoming HT Editors

Goodbye… Hello: Letters from the Outgoing and Incoming HT Editors

So long, farewell, またこんど, goodbye…   I’m still not entirely sure what prompted me to volunteer to edit the Hyogo Times last year, but to whatever neurons fired and prompted me to give it a go, I say thank you. It’s been great fun reading all the articles before the rest of the world, apparently…

June 2013

June 2013

Hello, hello!   June and warmth are finally here to stay! My temporary staffroom overlooks a tree-lined mini-lake rather than the baseball pitch as the previous one did, and I seem to spend half my time watching the leaves flutter in the breeze. I’m British, so forgive me for the weather talk, but the end…

May 2013

May 2013

Message from the Editor They closed my Mister Donut! With no warning at all, the 1st of April found a sign on the door thanking everyone for 2 years of custom and saying that my coffee providing study zone was no more. I was informed of the closure by a friend who came over for dinner on the 2nd…

April 2013

April 2013

April arrives and that means the new school year; new faces appearing in the staff room, students in slightly too big uniforms highlighting their status as newbies, and a new timetable to get your head around. Slowly but surely you realize that it really is time to put away the kotatsu blanket and that you’re…