What’s a Fire Flower? A Festival-filled Summer
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What’s a Fire Flower? A Festival-filled Summer

  Mark your calendar and fill it up with these incredible opportunities to travel Hyogo and its neighboring prefectures.   July 14, Nachi-no-Hi Matsuri in Wakayama A festival where 12 enormous fire torches are lit at the base of Nachi Waterfall. The torches welcome the god Kumano back to the Grand Shrine located there. Held…

July 2015

July 2015

  Sayonara fellow JETs, this is my final message as editor for the Hyogo Times. I’m leaving on that “JET” plane (that’s just punny) and know exactly when I’ll be home again. After a two year absence from the States, it’s hard to hide my excitement, but obviously there is an underlining sadness to leaving…