Music Review: Two Door Cinema Club
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Music Review: Two Door Cinema Club

12/12/12 Osaka- Namba Hatch Two Door Cinema Club are a three piece indie band that flew all the way from Northern Ireland to perform at Osaka’s very own Namba Hatch. They consist of 2 parts grammar school nerd to 1 part cool kid; Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths & more) Sam Halliday (lead…

Book Review: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
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Book Review: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

It may be the year of the dragon, but Amy Chua, Tiger Mother, is still lingering in the spotlight. Last year, her bestselling book on Chinese parenting, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, created uproar after an excerpt was published in The Wall Street Journal, and angry parents railed against her controversial parenting style. Ms….

Not-Your-Average Valentine’s Day Movies
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Not-Your-Average Valentine’s Day Movies

I’m not big on Valentine’s Day. Even if I’m in a relationship, it’s not my thing. I’m not big on people walking really slow while holding hands and not letting anyone pass on the sidewalk, and I’m not big on people complaining to everyone and their mother about a) their significant others not getting them…