Love and Relationships: Lonely Planet

Love and Relationships: Lonely Planet

Dating is an experience like no other. Everyone likes how they feel whenever they are dating. The anticipation, the first kiss, shopping for the perfect outfit, the restaurant choice, the first ‘’first’’, talking about the dates with your friends, evaluating your date with your friends, and the weeks of butterflies that fill your stomach every…

On Finding a Japanese Boyfriend…

On Finding a Japanese Boyfriend…

Two issues back, a comic in this publication compared the chance of a foreign female getting a Japanese boyfriend to one’s chance of winning the lottery.  Winning the lottery’s definitely more difficult!  Whatever you’ve heard, there’s a shot for those of us raised in the West too. I don’t have any fancy percentages for you,…

I Heart T-Points: My Darling is a Foreigner
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I Heart T-Points: My Darling is a Foreigner

I am dating an amazing Japanese woman, and therefore it was only natural that we would eventually watch ダーリンは外国人 (My Darling is a Foreigner) together. In fact, before the movie even came out on DVD, she started reading the manga it was based on and had me doing the same…