One of the most popular boards I have done so far is my “American English vs British English” board.

Several teachers from visiting schools commented on this board to my JTEs as well as ALTs in other schools. As a result, I had one friend ask me for that information so that they could put up the board in their school.
The reason for the success is the simplicity of the board. It has bright, colorful (or colourful) pictures. It has very little actual English. And it is INTERESTING to students and teachers.
I got the idea for the board from this image I had found floating around the internet.
As you can see, all the information is already on the image, and all you have to do is make it larger and draw in the students attention. If even that is too much work, I will leave a link to my power point in the dropbox. I recommend trimming the images and using colored (or coloured) paper for backing because it makes the images more durable and more attractive.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment below!