yahoo disaster app

Rainy Season in Hyogo – Important Apps to have

Rainy Season starts around June in Hyogo. With it comes (spoiler) heavy rain – sometimes Typhoons which can lead to flooding and landslides. Here are some important applications or websites to have on you in case of emergencies! The Hyogo Disaster Prevention ApplicationThe Hyogo Disaster Prevention Organisation (ひょうご防災ネット) has released an app that will inform […]

Firework Season in Hyogo

Summer brings firework events across Japan! Here are some across Hyogo you can visit! Japanese Information Source [x] Ashiya Summer Carnival  Day:  Saturday – 27th of July 2019 Time: 7:45pm to 8:30pmLocation: Shioashiya Beach – Ashiya CityClosest Station : Ashiya StationPaid seating : YesKey point : A mix of jazz music and fireworks , romantic atmosphereNumber […]

Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Resources

While Japan is often touted as being a “safe country” it is important to acknowledge that many serious crimes still occur here . This particular post will contain resources in addressing how to report assault, specifically sexual assault. It is recommended that you read National AJET’s post on Sexual Harassment  to familiarize yourself with your rights and situation in Japan. […]

A Vegetarian’s Guide to Hyogo

So you’ve just received your placement and your vegetarian belly has called out to you “But what am I gonna eat there?” Don’t worry! This guide will show you typical Japanese dishes you can order, useful vocabulary, and a few restaurant recommendations. Helpful Vocabulary 肉 にく(niku) This is the kanji for meat and all kinds […]

Tokyo Orientation Costs + Reimbursements

Overview While the JET Programme does cover a lot, if not most, of the costs in regards to moving and settling in Japan there are some things you will have to be responsible for. Keep in mind this post is for Hyogo JETs so if you are assigned to another prefecture it might be a […]

Volunteering Opportunities in Hyogo

For those who are interested in volunteering whilst on the JET Program, here are some opportunities for you! The organisations or initiatives currently listed are friendly for English Speaking people, so don’t be afraid to participate! If you would like to feature a particular volunteer initiative in Hyogo/Kansai – please comment or contact us! Charity […]

Contracting Organizations: Explained

Although JET participants are members of the JET Programme, each JET is actually employed by a local contracting organization and not by CLAIR or the JET Programme. CLAIR and JET are the organizations who set up the framework to introduce us to our bosses. And since different JETs have different bosses, they often get different […]

Letter of Appointment

At some point after you arrive, and every time you re-contract, your contracting organization will present you with a small certificate that officially recognizes you as one of their employees. It should have your name, details about what you will do, the date when your contract begins, and the date when your contract ends. This […]

Settling in at Home

Tips from past JETs! 1. Comparing does not a happy JET make Try not to compare your arrangements with other JETs because someone will always have it better than you do.  This is your home for at least the next year, so make the best of your situation. BUT  talk to other JETs about what […]

Your Hanko aka Personal Seal

In Japan, a personal seal called a hanko (判子) is used instead of your signature on most documents. People often use hanko and inkan (印鑑) interchangeably, but technically speaking, your hanko is the cylindrical object made of wood, plastic, etc. used to make your seal, and your inkan is the red seal that you make […]