
November 2016

Hello all, November, November, I scarcely remember. November has always felt like a filler month to me; nowadays it’s little more than an extension of December, everyone just anticipating Christmas now that we’ve got the pesky first five sixths of the year out of the way. Certainly, there’s very little to distinguish it from its…


September 2016

Greetings!   Remember, remember the month of September- it’s when school resumes. Yes, I’m sure we’re all aware that we’re back to work this month and I’m sure we’re all thrilled about that prospect. If you’re new, it might be a shock to actually start classes; if you’re old, it might be a shock how…

August 2016

August 2016

People are leaving. It’s sad, in case you didn’t know. It’s sad because you might not see people ever again and, even if you do, they might be changed beyond recognition. Or you might be. It might turn out your friendship was ephemeral and ethereal and it crumbles when you don’t live in the same…

June 2016

June 2016

    It’s hot and muggy, the JLPT is in two days, and many Americans are probably cursing that fact. Welcome to July, and my final issue as the editor of the Hyogo Times!   My first July was the easiest: I went on a road trip up to 天橋立 with my Kobe area friends,…

June 2016

June 2016

Ah, the rainy season. Fortunately, Starbucks is this year presenting us with a baked cheesecake frappuccino, which sounds intriguing and with the potential to be incredible. Keep those waterproof accoutrements around you yet (for frappuccinos spillages, and the rain, I guess)!   My first June in Japan, I jetted off back to Portland for a…

May 2016

May 2016

The weather may stay warmer, my school will have Taco Rice Tuesdays, and Golden Week insanity is upon us! May also brings a more settled schedule for many of us following the holidays at its start.   My first year, Golden Week was split into two, with the first half devoted to a solo trip…