About the Apartment

With burdens like language barriers and “key money”, finding an apartment in Japan is not a pleasant business. One of the blessings of the JET Program is the Contracting Organizations usually arrange housing for participants. Of course, that means we get plenty of questions about housing. My friend’s apartment is better/cheaper than mine. Contracting Organizations […]

Dealing with Bugs

The hot weather brings out some monstrous bugs. There are some pretty big bees, cockroaches, and centipedes, as well as the usual annoying ants, spiders, mosquitoes, and small flies. The best way to avoid an encounter with insects is to keep your house clean. Try not to leave dirty dishes around and clean up food […]

Useful Everyday Items

Keeping Cool Fans: uchiwa and sensu Shaved Ice Maker Cold Patches and Ice Pillows: 熱さま (Atsu-sama) in sheet and pillow variety   Dealing with Bugs Mosquito Incense and Refills: アースノーマット and 水性  are two brands Roach Motels: ゴキブリホイホイ (gokubuiri hoihoi), and ゴキブリ取り (gokiburitori) Tick Spray for ticks that live in tatami: ダニアース (dani aasu) “Cockroach JET” コックローチジェット Fly Spray […]

Checklist for Leaving Japan

Organize the teaching materials you used for your successor. Designate a Tax Representative (for your The Pension Refund). Cancel your newspaper and magazine subscriptions, your keitai contract, your Internet service contract, car insurance contract, etc. Pay your bills! (Your office should help you with this.) Rent Electricity, gas, and water bills (Arrange ahead of time for […]

Settling in at Home

Tips from past JETs! 1. Comparing does not a happy JET make Try not to compare your arrangements with other JETs because someone will always have it better than you do.  This is your home for at least the next year, so make the best of your situation. BUT  talk to other JETs about what […]

Preparing for Winter

Seemingly overnight, office complaints in Japan turn from atsui! to samui! You may have your reservations about joining the choir of complaints right away, but eventually the charm of cool, fall weather will wear away and you’ll find that you can see your breath in your own home. You’ll learn to put certain items, such as olive oil, in the fridge to prevent them from freezing. There are plenty of these so-called “life hacks” to keep you on the side of sanity as you progress sluggishly through the long winter months.