COVID-19 Home Quarantine Recuperation Care Packages

If you are active on Twitter and Youtube, you may have noticed some Japan Vloggers posting about the home recuperation care packages they got from their ward/city when they have tested positive and are quarantining at home for COVID-19. Examples of some people sharing their sets:  New Video// A peek inside what the Japanese Government […]

Running in Hyogo

This page is a resource for running (marathons, etc.) in Hyogo-ken and Japan. Running is quite popular in Japan and races tend to be well organized, heavily participated, and a lot of fun. Note that in Japanese the word “marathon” (マラソン) tends to be used to mean any length of race. Thus a マラソン could […]

Useful Everyday Items

Keeping Cool Fans: uchiwa and sensu Shaved Ice Maker Cold Patches and Ice Pillows: 熱さま (Atsu-sama) in sheet and pillow variety   Dealing with Bugs Mosquito Incense and Refills: アースノーマット and 水性  are two brands Roach Motels: ゴキブリホイホイ (gokubuiri hoihoi), and ゴキブリ取り (gokiburitori) Tick Spray for ticks that live in tatami: ダニアース (dani aasu) “Cockroach JET” コックローチジェット Fly Spray […]

Special Leave

Types Of Special Leave Bereavement Leave Marital Leave Natural Disasters Pre/Post-natal Leave Maternity Leave Menstrual Leave Leave to care for an ill child Commuter Transportation Failure Special Leave includes all forms of leave other than your paid leave. The details will vary from contract to contract, so this list is just for reference. These types […]

Mental Health, Counseling and Support Groups

In times of serious stress it can be good to contact a professional counselor or the peer support line. Sometimes isolation, physical or linguistic, can make simple problems very stressful, and sometimes very disheartening. Rather than letting problems get on top of you, have a look at these options and find the right one for […]


The following link will take you to a personal narrative of a JET Program Participant who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS during their tenure on the program. While it is unlikely that the author is the only HIV-positive JET Participant in the program’s history, this may be the first attempt to fully document the experience of […]

Yearly Medical Examinations

In Japan, employers have a duty to provide their employees with a yearly health check. They are required to pay for it, and they will let you do it during work hours. The contents of the examination are specified by law, and without a physician’s explicit authorization, nothing may be omitted. For many professions, including […]


Taking care of vaccinations can be quite a challenge and expensive in Japan. Because many vaccinations are illegal in Japan, many people will tell you that it is impossible to get certain vaccinations or that you don’t need them. Consult the US Center for Disease Control home page for the most up-to-date information. The Quarantine Center at […]