Paid leave, or nenkyu, is a precious commodity for most JETs, and therefore many questions/problems seem to revolve around it. Read the following points so that you can avoid some common problems. Nenkyu will vary Yearly paid leave for local government employees is determined by local regulations, and because we have different contracting organizations, the […]
Tag: jet life
Special Leave
Types Of Special Leave Bereavement Leave Marital Leave Natural Disasters Pre/Post-natal Leave Maternity Leave Menstrual Leave Leave to care for an ill child Commuter Transportation Failure Special Leave includes all forms of leave other than your paid leave. The details will vary from contract to contract, so this list is just for reference. These types […]
Unpaid Leave
Aside from the specific cases provided for in your contract, unpaid leave technically does not exist, and your contracting organization is not able to grant it. Every now and then a JET will use up all of their paid leave, and then when an emergency comes up they are unable to take any more leave. […]
Study Leave
CLAIR (who set the guidelines for contracting organizations like your BOE) has no official policy on Study Leave. AJET is pushing them to establish guidelines, rules such as “JETs should be allowed to apply for study leave under these conditions…” but nothing has been made yet. This means that it is completely up to your […]
Recontracting and Transfers
In autumn, your school/BOE should give you a form with the title “JET Programme Re-contracting Procedures.” This is the form that you use to indicate if you want to recontract, apply for a transfer, or apply for a type-change. If you want to apply for a transfer and you haven’t received this form, talk to […]
Hyogo Orientation Overview
Prefectural Orientation aka Yashiro Orientation (note: as of 2018 the orientation location is under review, thus the arrangement and coordination of the the prefectural orientation may change) After attending the Tokyo Orientation , SHS ALTs won’t have too long before they are reunited for three days of fun at Yashiro Orientation. Yashiro Orientation is held in […]
Dress Code
In Japan, personal appearance is often taken as a reflection of one’s attitude toward work. Dressing professionally will go a long way toward being taken seriously by your Japanese colleagues. You don’t have to erase any signs of personal style or imitate the way your Japanese coworkers dress, but try observing your work environment for […]
Banking in Japan
Banking Overview Once you have your Residence Card, you are ready to set up your bank account. Some banks require a hanko as well, but others such as Citibank and Shinsei Bank don’t – you can just use a normal signature. Your supervisor or one of the English teachers at your school should go with […]
Sending Money Home
There are several ways to send home money from Japan. Popular options have been Lloyds Bank and the post office. The post office used to be cheaper than Lloyds but the handling fee has since increased to 2500 yen. Although this is more expensive than Lloyds, non-Lloyds TSB customers will also have to pay a […]
Paying Up Front
Your school takes care of your shinkansen ticket and room reservation for that upcoming conference, and then asks you for money. Or, without giving you a single yen, they ask you to take care of it all yourself. Or perhaps one day someone at your school comes up to you and asks you to pay […]