Depending on your country of origin, when doing your home country tax return, you may have to include a statement from your Contracting Organization in Japan about your annual earnings. This statement is known as your gensenchoshuhyo, and is issued to you in January of each year. It covers the period from January 1st to […]
Tag: jet life
Resident Taxes
Resident tax (住民税, juuminzei) is a tax charged by the local government every June that covers the period of the previous calendar year. Who Has To Pay The Resident Tax Depending on your job status, nationality, and how long you have been living in Japan, you may or may not be excused from the resident […]
Mental Health, Counseling and Support Groups
In times of serious stress it can be good to contact a professional counselor or the peer support line. Sometimes isolation, physical or linguistic, can make simple problems very stressful, and sometimes very disheartening. Rather than letting problems get on top of you, have a look at these options and find the right one for […]
Yearly Medical Examinations
In Japan, employers have a duty to provide their employees with a yearly health check. They are required to pay for it, and they will let you do it during work hours. The contents of the examination are specified by law, and without a physician’s explicit authorization, nothing may be omitted. For many professions, including […]
Taking care of vaccinations can be quite a challenge and expensive in Japan. Because many vaccinations are illegal in Japan, many people will tell you that it is impossible to get certain vaccinations or that you don’t need them. Consult the US Center for Disease Control home page for the most up-to-date information. The Quarantine Center at […]
Health Insurance
National Insurance We are all enrolled in the national health insurance system of Japan. You will soon receive a pink or blue card. If ever you need treatment, take it with you, and you will only have to pay 30% of the bill – check beforehand that the hospital in question accepts the insurance for […]
Japanese Medical System
Japanese Health Care System Appointments Most doctors see their patients on a walk-in basis. Expect some waiting, as it is usual practice here for people to go to the hospital, or clinic, for a common cold or cough (remember that you can’t use sick leave unless you go to the doctor…) If you are very […]
My BoE won’t let me drive!
It is important to realize that more than anything else your host institution feels responsible for your well being and are often afraid that something bad will happen. (We are all adults, but accidents do happen and people do feel responsible for us.) Additionally, a few years ago there was a serious car accident involving […]
Getting Car Insurance
Driving in Japan rapidly develops your handling and emergency braking skills. It teaches your heart to beat faster than it previously could. It gives you newfound respect for the immense size and power of trucks. There are three kinds of car insurance in Japan. Types of Car Insurance Compulsory: This is included in shaken charges, and […]
Breaking Contract
Sad as it may be, every now and then a JET member decides that they cannot continue their job, and that they need to break contract and leave the JET program. Many circumstances lead to this decision, and it is important to carefully consider the effect that your choice will have on your students, your […]