Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Resources

While Japan is often touted as being a “safe country” it is important to acknowledge that many serious crimes still occur here . This particular post will contain resources in addressing how to report assault, specifically sexual assault. It is recommended that you read National AJET’s post on Sexual Harassment  to familiarize yourself with your rights and situation in Japan. […]

Dealing with Bugs

The hot weather brings out some monstrous bugs. There are some pretty big bees, cockroaches, and centipedes, as well as the usual annoying ants, spiders, mosquitoes, and small flies. The best way to avoid an encounter with insects is to keep your house clean. Try not to leave dirty dishes around and clean up food […]


The typhoon season in Japan runs from May through October, with most activity from July to September. Typhoons are tropical cyclones or giant hurricane-like whirlwinds. These storms, accompanied by heavy rainfall, can cover areas of up to 500 miles in diameter and generate winds up to 180 miles an hour. Typhoons that hit Japan are […]


The following link will take you to a personal narrative of a JET Program Participant who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS during their tenure on the program. While it is unlikely that the author is the only HIV-positive JET Participant in the program’s history, this may be the first attempt to fully document the experience of […]

Find English Medical Services and Resources in Hyogo

The following resources should assist you in finding an English speaking doctor, dentist or specialist. Hyogo Prefectural Medical Facilities Information System The Prefectural Medical Facilities Information System provides an extensive list of hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, drug stores, and midwifery centers in Hyogo with staff that speak foreign languages. The medical facilities are categorized by region […]

Drinking and Driving

Most of you have heard by now that drinking and driving is a serious issue in Japan. Still, this is one issue that can not be emphasized enough. We received notices from the Hyogo Board of Education about their policies towards driving after drinking, so before you even think about it, give this a read, […]

Driving in Winter

Preparing your Car: Winter tires – studless, as studs are now illegal in Japan. Tread should be soft, with many wide rivulets clearly visible. Use low viscosity winter oil. This makes it easier to start your car. Replace wiper blades with snow-blades. Helps in snowstorms. Make sure to carry extra anti-freeze. In addition to its […]